Why Sport?
Football, badminton, tennis, hockey, ice skating, trampolining, snooker & pool, golf, rugby, table tennis, basket ball, volleyball, stingray & head in the hole.
As part of any Kandu Project and in separate specific projects, the playing and participating in sports and games (traditional, formal, affiliated and made up) offers a multitude of transferrable skills.
Whatever the game, (see more on Kandu Kicks and football) the participants are honing hand eye coordination, planning, communication, resilience and persistence, making changes to entrenched habits, finding out that they can do what they thought they couldn’t, negotiation, team work, tolerance and so much more.
As well as Ed Deedigan and Pete Hussey being football coaches, other staff have expertise in sports. For example Duncan Ashman the first sports coach in the UK to achieve professional coaching badges for World Snooker, World Professional Billiards & Snooker Association (WPBSA) and the 8 Ball Academy- accredited coaching badges affiliated to English Pool Association, World 8 ball federation and the Universities Pool Council. He is also a certified Mental Performance Coach.
The benefits of a snooker/pool learning programme integrated with our mentoring/Alternative provision are immeasurable with the local community also profiting. It offers young people the opportunity to make new friends and develop their life skills through games steeped in history. There are many other tangible benefits.
Literacy and Numeracy Benefits
Mental Maths skills- keeping and working out the score when playing
English – Reading and learning the rules of the game to be able to compete
Rules Quiz
Social Development
Taking turns and respect your opponent
Playing within the rules of the game
Singles Matches – Working on your own initiative
Doubles Matches - work as a team for strategies to achieve high performance
Learning to referee and negotiate
Professional Coaching
Learning to take instruction in a non classroom environment
Development of new technical and mental skills
Hand and eye co-ordination